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"The Bathroom Boys" is the third episode of Season 1 of the horror anthology series Tim & Eric's Bedtime Stories, and the fourth episode of the series overall. It originally aired on October 2nd, 2014.


Tim, Eric, and Zach all work (and live) in a public restroom within the Stanton Building, where they find themselves out of mints. While shopping for replacements, Zach crosses paths with a woman who shows interest in him.

~ Based on a poem by J. Jayson Poryk

Episode Overview[]

An opening theme introduces Tim, Eric, and Zach as "Bathroom Boys," working and living in a men's public restroom on the sixth floor of the Stanton Building. As they are doing laundry they are interrupted by a businessman, who they aggressively assist with every step of using the urinal and washing his hands. After the businessman remarks on the low number of mints in the bowl Zach hands him, Tim and Eric yell at Zach and order him to go buy more mints at the store.

While shopping for mints, Zach bumps into Stephanie. Stephanie is immediately attracted to Zach, who is hostile towards her advances until she calls him "a great guy" and invites herself to Zach's place for dinner. Zach explains his living situation and Stephanie offers to bring her two sisters, Marcie and Dana, to have a triple date.

Tim and Eric are wary of the idea at first, but quickly agree to host the triple date. After a greeting from the boys with great ceremony, the six sit down for dinner, eating Eric's "Eggplant Papa John" and drinking urinal water. The date goes well and Tim and Eric invite Stephanie's sisters to "pork" in their bedrooms (which are restroom stalls with collapsible beds). While Tim and Eric have loud sex with their respective dates, Zach is rejected by Stephanie after asking her to join him in his own bedroom and Stephanie is turned off by Zach's increasingly insistent requests for sex.

Suddenly, the Super is seen approaching the restroom. Tim, Eric, and Zach elaborately disguise their dates as businessmen and convert their home back into a public restroom just in time for the Super to enter. The Super is suspicious of the "two businessmen taking a piss" and "one businessman taking a dump," but leaves anyway. Zach looks at the camera and shrugs before the end credits roll.

Cast & Characters[]

Guest Starring
  • David Knight as Businessman
  • Jack Knight as The Super
  • Julie Rei Goldstein as Marcie
  • Ilka Urbach as Dana
  • Dwain S. Tucker as J. P. Pourke

Notes & Trivia[]

To be Added

Tim & Eric's Bedtime Stories
Pilot Haunted House
Season 1 HoleToesThe Bathroom BoysAngel BoyRoommatesThe EndorsementBaby
Season 2 BaklavaThe DukeAngel ManThe DemotionSquatButter
Specials Sauce BoyTornado